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AI, Understanding California’s SB 1047: A New Law to Prevent AI Disasters

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  • Post last modified:August 16, 2024

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AI, What is SB 1047?

AI, SB 1047 is a new bill in California designed to stop AI (Artificial Intelligence) systems from being used to cause serious harm to people or society. It’s currently up for a final vote in the California Senate.


Why is SB 1047 Controversial?

While many agree that preventing AI from causing disasters is a good idea, this bill has caused a lot of concern, especially in Silicon Valley. Big tech companies, startups, and venture capitalists argue that the bill could harm innovation and place heavy burdens on companies that develop AI models.

What Does SB 1047 Aim to Do?

SB 1047 targets very large AI models—those that cost over $100 million to develop and use a massive amount of computing power. The bill would require companies to implement strict safety measures to prevent these AI systems from being used for harmful purposes, such as creating weapons or launching cyberattacks.

Key requirements include:

  • Safety Protocols: Companies must have procedures to prevent their AI from being misused.
  • Emergency Stop Button: Developers must include a way to shut down the AI system if necessary.
  • Third-Party Audits: Independent auditors would review the safety measures of AI systems annually.

Who Would Enforce This?

A new California agency called the Frontier Model Division (FMD) would oversee these rules. The FMD would certify that AI models meet safety standards and could take legal action against companies that don’t comply.

Supporters vs. Opponents

  • Supporters: Those in favor of the bill, like California State Senator Scott Wiener, believe it’s important to put safeguards in place before AI causes any real harm. Some AI researchers, who worry about the potential dangers of AI, also support the bill.
  • Opponents: On the other hand, many in the tech industry argue that the bill would hurt innovation. They worry that the strict rules could stifle smaller companies and lead to fewer breakthroughs in AI. Critics also argue that bad actors should be punished, not the developers who create the technology.

What’s Next for SB 1047?

The bill is expected to pass the California Senate, but it might undergo some changes before that happens. If it does pass, it will go to Governor Gavin Newsom, who will decide whether to sign it into law.

If SB 1047 becomes law, it wouldn’t take effect immediately. The Frontier Model Division would be set up in 2026, and the bill might face legal challenges before then. [techcrunch]


SB 1047 is an ambitious attempt by California to regulate AI and prevent potential disasters. While its goals are widely supported, the bill has sparked significant debate over whether it’s the right approach and what impact it could have on the future of AI development.

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